The purpose of this workbook is to guide you through configuring and testing common network topologies using Cisco VIRL. The hands-on labs included in this workbook range from basic STP, Trunking, NAT, EIGRP/OSPF dynamic routing protocols to advanced ASA with multiple security zones, IPSec VPN, BGP, DMVPN, VRF and MPLS configurations.
The knowledge and proficiency acquired by completing the labs in this workbook will help you in preparing CCNA, CCNP and CCIE level exams, as well as in administrating and configuring real-world networking environment. Most importantly, get proficient at using Cisco VIRL as a tool to build any network topologies you like.
About Cisco VIRL
Cisco Virtual Internet Routing Lab (VIRL) is a software tool Cisco developed to build and run network simulations without the need for physical hardware.
Under the hood, VIRL is an OpenStack-based platform that runs IOSv, IOSv Layer-2, IOS-XRv, NX-OSv, CSR1000v and ASAv software images on the built-in hypervisor. VIRL provides a scalable, extensible network design and simulation environment using the VM Maestro client and web GUI. VIRL also has extensive ability to integrate with third-party virtual machines, appliances, VNFs and servers such as Microsoft Windows, Juniper, Palo Alto Networks, Fortinet, F5, Extreme Networks, Arista, Alcatel, Citrix and more. Cisco VIRL may also connect with real-world and virtual networks to form high-fidelity development and test environments. More importantly, VIRL and its testing environment are portable. You can export a lab configuration and import into another VIRL server with ease.
For more information about Cisco VIRL, check out my book.